Boys Basketball
Informational Meeting for students interested in boys basketball will be held November 13th during WIN.
MTMS Boys Basketball Tryouts will be held December 9-13
All Athletic Paperwork (KSHSAA Physical) and athletic fees must be paid by 12/5 in order to tryout.
The following is the tryout schedule. A full season schedule can be found on the Season Calendar Link.
Monday 12/9
7th Grade Tryout 6-7:15 AM
8th Grade Tryout 4:30-6 PM
Tuesday 12/10
8th Grade Tryout 6-7:15 AM
7th Grade Tryout 4:30-6 PM
Wednesday 12/11
7th Grade Tryout 6-7:15 AM
8th Grade Tryout 3:15-5:00 PM
Thursday 12/12
7th Grade Tryout 6-7:15 AM
8th Grade Tryout 3:15-5:00 PM
Coaching Staff
8th Grade
Head Coach-Matt Best
Head Coach-Matt Best
Assistant Coach - Dustin Ester
7th Grade
Head Coach - Cory Wurtz
Head Coach - Cory Wurtz
Assistant Coach - Drew Walters